SmugMug, the world’s largest independent photo-sharing website, partnered with Teak to deliver a brand campaign that takes an emotional look behind a photographer’s lens. Giving photographers, and the SmugMug brand a voice. While the brand was clear on what features aspiring pro photographers use, they weren’t clear on what motivates this passionate audience. We sought to find the emotional sticking points that continue to inspire these photographers, even when it’s not their full-time job. Our brand strategy process included talking to hundreds of photographers. Through this audience research, we gained powerful insights that informed our creative process. The result is an advertising campaign and brand voice that speaks to the spirit of the photographer, and how that informs the subject of their photography.

“The main goal of ‘This Lens’ is not only to amplify and elevate the photographer’s very personal stories but to inspire others to pick up a camera and do the same.”

We developed digital and social videos across multiple platforms along with static digital advertising for paid media to amplify this brand voice. The campaign is called “This Lens” which brings to life the unique vision and “voice” that each photographer brings to the world. As part of this creative effort, photographers share the real, emotional reasons behind their photos and what they discover about themselves during the process. The main goal of “This Lens” is not only to amplify and elevate the photographer’s very personal stories but to inspire others to pick up a camera and do the same.
Teak is a creative studio based in San Francisco. We partner with brands we believe in to create work, and brands that inspire. We give your brand a voice– something meaningful to say at every touchpoint, including your website, digital, social & traditional media, and branded experiences.